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The Tudors

An epic view of the most dramatic family feud in history. A chilling tale of murder and betrayal.
On one side we have a noble, powerful and intimidating king. The other, we have a far removed cousin, who believes the family throne should be his.
Whose army will you fight in?

The following is an example of a whole day session that can be delivered to 1, 2 or 3 classes of approximately 30 children. All sessions can be adapted easily to cater for your topic’s learning outcomes, children's needs and the available space. Resources and materials are supplied, so you don't need to lift a finger!
Storytelling Family feuds - Key people during the War of the Roses
Weapons and armour investigation
The Battle of Bosworth
Investigation into the death of the King
After Break
Sketching and recording the armoury
Tudor Monarchy - Storytelling/ drama
Tudor coins and the growing economy
Longbow archery
Tudor Games
Final chance to ask questions

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